Nighttime Skin Care Routine For oily Skin For Ladies and Teenagers

Skin care routine for oily skin for ladies, If you are searching for the best skincare routine for your body, you are on the right page. We care so much about beauty, so we are going to guide you on the best routine and the best skincare products for ladies. As a young lady, there is always a transformation in her look, body size, and skin.

When we are a child, our skin renewed itself frequently to brighten our look. But as teenage years begin, the frequency of renewal decreases, if a proper skincare routine is followed you can be more glooming like a child.

There are many reasons why there are changes in your skin, and some are skin problems that develop in response to your body’s hormonal changes, which need proper guidance.

There is a common skin problem that is noted among ladies and that is the increased production of sebum or oil. Many ladies wear makeup often, and in the excessive build-up of sweat and oil can trap dirt within your skin cells, resulting in clogged pores and pimple breakouts.

With a skincare routine for teens, you can help keep your skin in its best condition and develop a habit that will serve you well into adulthood.

Teens’ Best Skin Care Routine 

This simple best skincare routine won’t cost you much. Follow this simple yet effective skincare routine for teens and enjoy healthy skin every day:

Skin Care Routine for oily skin Is Facial Cleanser (Morning and Night)

Now, we won’t judge you if you haven’t been washing your face every day with a cleanser. But no more excuses from now on. Cleansing your face every morning and night is an absolute must not just for teens, but for everyone. Oily, acne-prone skin is common among teenagers which means it’s necessary for you to wash your face at least two times a day.

Most importantly, it’s all about choosing a gentle cleanser that suits your skin type. Don’t scrub harshly to avoid causing irritation or drying out your skin. Instead, use gentle, circular motions and make sure to cleanse every inch of your face.

We recommend using the. It’s one of the best teenage skincare products, especially for those with oily, acne-prone skin. This face wash deeply cleanses and removes impurities without drying or irritating the skin. Its gentle formula is perfect for all Filipinas!

Skin Care Routine For oily skin Is Applying Toner (Morning and Night)

Your mama might remember that back in the day, a toner usually contained high alcohol content. It was a tingly, burning attempt to remove excess oil. But actually, those kinds of toners are very harmful and a definite no-no when it comes to skincare for a teenage girl.

The aim of toner is to soften, hydrate, and prepare your skin for treatment. If you feel a tingling sensation, that doesn’t mean your toner is working. It equals irritation which can lead to acne.

Instead, opt for an alcohol-free toner like the Gluta-C Kojic Plus+ Acne Control Toner (Alcohol-Free). It is an antibacterial, anti-acne whitening toner that controls excess oil production and acne breakouts while minimizing enlarged pores by keeping them clean.

Skin Care Routine For oily Skin Is by Using Moisturizer (Morning and Night)

Sometimes, you wouldn’t want one thing without another thing because the two just go together so well. Milk tea with pearls, coffee with cake, and of course, cleanser and moisturizer in a skincare routine for teens. Each time you finish cleansing and toning your face, apply a moisturizer.

A moisturizer will help keep your skin hydrated and supple by locking in moisture. It will also prevent premature wrinkles and fine lines. If you have oily skin, make sure to use a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer to prevent clogging in your pores. If your skin is prone to acne, you can use a gel-based moisturizer. If you have sensitive skin, avoid moisturizers with added fragrance.

Skin Care Routine For oily skin is by applying Exfoliate (Once a Week)

All of the best skin care routines for teens make exfoliation a weekly habit. If you want to keep your skin free from breakouts, you should regularly slough off oil, dirt, debris, and dead skin cell buildup.

When it comes to skincare for a teenage girl like you, there’s no need to go overboard with exfoliation. Use a gentle exfoliating soap like the Gluta-C Intense Whitening Exfoliating Soap (With Natural Papaya Enzymes) once a week to get started. You can increase the frequency to twice or thrice a week once your skin gets used to it.

The exfoliating soap is one of the best teenage skincare products as it lifts away dead skin cells without stripping away moisture. It also lightens blemishes and evens out your skin tone for a more radiant complexion. The papaya enzymes present in the soap provide longer-lasting gentle exfoliation.

Skin Care Routine For oily Skin is by Using Sun Protection (Every Morning)

The Philippines’ tropical climate can be the cause of a lot of skin problems, so you’re never too young to start a daily sun protection routine. Even if you’ll be spending all day indoors, it’s still important to apply sun protection every day. An increase in screen time on phones, tablets, and laptops can also cause damage to your skin.

After you moisturize your skin, reach for a sunscreen or day cream with an SPF of 25 or higher. The Gluta-C Intense Whitening Facial Day Cream promises to whiten your skin and protect it throughout the day. It nourishes and protects your skin from sun exposure with SPF 25.

Best Skin Care Tips for Teens

Now that we’ve laid out all the steps to a simple yet effective skincare routine for teens, we’ll share additional tips so you’ll always have healthy and glowing skin.

Determine Your Skin Type

It’s crucial to know your skin type. Why? Simple – a routine that’s suitable for dry skin will not work as effectively for oily skin. To figure out the best teenage skincare products that will work for you, determine your skin type:

  • Normal skin – usually has a smooth and soft texture. Your pores are tight and the skin’s surface neither feels dry nor greasy.
  • Oily skin – looks shiny, pores are open, and the skin has excess sebum.
  • Dry skin – flaky, dull, not-so-smooth, and often itchy. The outer layer of the skin sheds abnormally.
  • Combination skin – extremely oily Tzone (forehead, nose, and chin) while other parts of the face are dry. Cheeks may appear dry and rough while other parts feel oily.
  • Sensitive skin – looks red and often gets irritated, itchy, or inflamed.

Once you know your skin type, you can determine which products are the best to include in your skincare routine for teens. For instance, if you have dry skin, avoid using soap as your cleanser. Use a gel-type mild cleanser and avoid excessive scrubbing and washing.

Avoid Frequently Touching Your Face Keep in mind that each time you touch your face, you’re spreading dirt, oil, and bacteria that can turn into a breakout.

Most importantly, avoid picking at your pimples! Whenever you touch

Before you touch your face or apply your makeup, it’s best to wash your hands first and squeeze or pop your pimples, you can spread infection, cause further inflammation, and damage your skin tissue.

If you ever suffer from acne, include spot treatment in your skincare routine. Spot treatment with benzoyl peroxide is often touted as one of the best teenage skincare products for treating acne. You can consult a dermatologist before seeking anti-acne medication.

Follow a Well-Balanced Diet

Eat a balanced diet consisting of fruits and green vegetables. Avoid consuming sugary items and oily food that can aggravate your skin conditions (this includes chocolates and fried chicken–sorry!).

Also, try to avoid dairy products like cow’s milk. You can opt for oat milk, soy milk, or almond milk.

Reduce Stress

A skincare routine for teens isn’t just solely focused on the best teenage skincare products. We understand that being a teenager can be stressful. While it’s perfectly normal to feel worried or anxious at times, try to reduce stress when you can. Stress is known to cause acne to flare and make it worse.

Take up activities that can help you unwind such as yoga, meditation, or even a daily run.

Don’t Use Toothpaste on Your Skin

If you read teen magazines, you may have stumbled across home remedies for acne such as using toothpaste as a pimple spot treatment. Yet, when you wake up the following day, you find toothpaste smeared on your pillow and your pimple still there.

Apparently, the thought process behind using toothpaste is that the baking soda present in it helps calm pimples. But this is a definite no-no on every skincare routine for a teenage girl. Toothpaste has an insane level of pH, which can irritate healthy skin and lead to rashes and burning. It is simply too harsh to use on pimples.

Thankfully, pimple patches are available today, which are much more effective at sucking all the gunk out of your pimples.

Practice Clean Makeup Habits


Practice Clean Makeup Habits
Practice Clean Makeup Habits

If you wear makeup, check if your makeup habits are affecting your skin. For instance, you should be regularly cleaning your makeup brushes to prevent the accumulation of oil, dirt, and bacteria. Also, you should never share your makeup with other people, especially lip and eye products.

Pimples aren’t contagious but when you share makeup, oil, dead skin cells, and other acne-causing bacteria can wind up in your makeup and on your skin. These can clog your pores and cause acne.

Most importantly, never go to bed without washing off your makeup! Leaving makeup on your face overnight will clog your pores and lead to breakouts.

Keep It Simple

Keeping your skincare routine for teens simple, ingredients-wise, is a safe approach. You minimize your exposure to potential bad reactions and it’s also easier to identify the ingredients that your skin loves.

For instance, if your skin loves Vitamin C, you can actively seek products with that ingredient in mind.

Form Good Habits

As we’ve said before, your skin care regimen shouldn’t focus on the best teenage skincare products. There are little habits you can form that will go a long way in preventing acne and keeping your skin healthy.

For instance, something as simple as changing your pillowcase once every two weeks will help prevent breakouts. Cleaning your phone’s screen also helps. Think of all the gunk and oily fingerprints that build up on your phone’s surface. That stuff transfers onto your fingers, which can end up on your face if you don’t wash your hands often.

It happens when you use your phone for calls too — pressing all those germs and oil onto your cheeks. As much as possible, keep your phone and hands clean and away from your face.

Choose the Right Products

The best teenage skincare products are the ones that work best for any skin type. Use a gentle cleanser, toner, moisturizer, exfoliator, and sunscreen to take care of your skin.

Stick to the Routine

What is more important than building a skincare routine for teens? Easy — religiously following it! You may often get impatient and look for quick results. But keep in mind skin care is a process and a journey!

Stick to your routine and give it at least three months to show results. If you are using a specific product that suits your skin type, continue using it. Frequently changing your routine can irritate your skin and lead to breakouts.

Start Your Skin Care Routine with Gluta-C

Your teenage years are a wild ride. You’re making memories with friends and enjoying a bit of independence but you may also be dealing with a not-so-fun part of being a teen: acne. Thankfully, a great skincare routine for teens can easily combat those breakouts.

It’s not just for the present time too! How you treat your skin today plays a role in how your skin will look and feel in the future. To start you off in the right direction, it’s good to invest in the best skincare products for teenage girls and follow a strict skincare regimen.

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